Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lexington, Michigan to Port Huron, Michigan

July 13  -14, 2012 Friday and Saturday

There really isn't an anchorage in Lexington.  We chose to anchor on the north side of the break wall (on the open waters of Lake Huron).  Of course anchoring doesn't always go as one plans.  After a couple of hours on the hook, the winds come up and gusting 15 -20 kts.  The waves continued to increase to 2-3 feet.  Our choice was to either "ride it out", sail back to Port Sanilac, or weigh anchor and put "Chasseur" to sea. We decided to ride it out.  Surely the wind and waves would come down as the night progressed. The wind and waves settled enough to allow us to dingy into port for dinner with Steve and Pam.  On our dingy ride back to "Chasseur"  we were plastered with tiny bugs of some kind, in our mouths, in our ears and eyes..yuck!  We slept at anchor with 1 foot rollers...not as comfortable as you would think.   The Great Lakes can be very violent and the waves, even when they are not high have a shorter distance between them and make for uncomfortable travel.
We pulled up anchor at 0715 and headed to Port Huron.  We dropped the hook just west of the shipping channel and waited for the Huron to Mackinaw race to start.  Steve and Pam were anchored next to us on "Fran Sea".  It was great fun.  The racers were everywhere, hundreds it seemed and many sailed right past our anchor.
We thought it would be easy to get a slip in Port Huron after the race got under way but that was not the case.  They are continuing with a "Blue Water Fest" for the weekend.  At the last minute we decided to call the Port Huron Yacht Club to see if we could reciprocate and as luck would have it the gave us a wall slip for free!!  There has been non stop boat traffic going up and down the Black River this evening, if we don't get hit by someone it will be a miracle.  There is a lighted parade of boats tonight.  If the photos come out we will edit this blog with them later.
Today marks the conclusion of a safe and successful transit of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron (a total of 495 nautical miles).

"To be at home with the wind is to be at home in the world."  Richard Bode

Huron to Mackinaw race underway with friends Steve and Pam's "Fran Sea" at anchor
More Huron Mac Boats waiting to start

Port Huron Lighthouse
Approaching Blue Water Bridge (US to Canada)

1 comment:

  1. This is where Brandon grew up! He says it gets really crazy for the blue water fest both on and off shore.
